Branch code
Most banks have a number which identifies your branch. WhiskyInvestDirect needs this number to reliably send money to you.
All countries have a different term for the branch code. The common ones are:
Country | Name | Example |
USA | Routing transit number (RTN) or ABA | 011001234 |
UK | Sort code | 01-02-03 |
Canada | Transit number | 00000-117 |
Australia | ABN or BSB | 45-67-89 |
Switzerland | Bankclearing-Nummer (BC-Nummer) | 85836 |
Your branch code, whatever it's called, will normally appear on your statement and in your chequebook near the account number. If you do not have a routing code, a BIC or IBAN is equally useful. Your bank will be able to advise you of these numbers if you have any difficulty finding them.
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